You can download the CANEPAL International Conference Proceedings using the following link:
The Network for Promoting the European heritage of sheep farming and pastoral life, CANEPAL, announces
the international conference:
CELEBRATING PASTORAL LIFE; Heritage and economic development
To be held on 11‐12 September 2014
In Athens, Greece.
The conference is organised by
PRISMA – Centre for Development Studies in cooperation with the
Hellenic Folklore Research Centre, Academy of Athens and the
University of the Aegean ‐ Cultural and Social Digital Documentation Laboratory
The aim of this conference is to bring together individuals and organisations with an interest in rural cultural heritage to explore and discuss issues that relate to sheep farming and pastoral life, its heritage and legacy, with a focus on the future. The conference will provide a fruitful ground for networking and improved cooperation among professionals in the field, including ethnographers, educationists, agriculturalists, economists, artists, architects etc, as well as amongst museums and other organisations devoted to the preservation and promotion of the European rural heritage.
The conference builds on the results of CANEPAL ‐ a project co‐funded by the European Commission’s CULTURE programme which addresses the issues of preservation and dissemination of a valuable heritage stemming from traditional sheep farming practices, with an eye on the future, exploiting the lessons of the past. The research carried out by the CANEPAL network in seven European countries focuses on the common European elements of the cultural heritage related to sheep and shepherds in an attempt to highlight the main aspects of this heritage, and their connection to contemporary questions of economic, social and ecological sustainability of rural areas. An interdisciplinary approach to the study of pastoral life has been adopted based on a series of workshops and exhibitions held across Europe that demonstrated the entwined nature of cultures among European countries throughout the ages. The CANEPAL research and exhibitions have been built around 10 core themes of sheep farming and pastoral life:
These themes will be further explored during the international conference, adding the dimension of economic development and the prospects for a sustainable future for this dynamic cultural and economic sector.
Researchers; academics and students; museum staff; cultural operators and experts; policy makers with responsibility for cultural heritage, rural development and environmental management; EU‐funded projects; members of cultural heritage related networks.
The conference focuses on the following broad topics;
And the following specific topics, that will be the subject of workshops;
Interested speakers are encouraged to submit abstracts within the above themes.
The Conference Organisers invite papers related to the topics announced. Innovative contributions that do not fit the themes may also be considered since they might be of benefit to participants.
The Conference is a three day event to be held in Athens on 11‐12 September 2014.
Thursday, 11 September 2014, Conference Day 1:
09:00‐09:30 Registration
09:30‐10:00 Welcome
10:00‐11:30 Plenary session; Aspects of cultural heritage related to pastoral life and economy
11:30‐12:00 Coffee break
12:00‐13:00 Plenary session; Lessons from the past and their application in the present and future
13:00‐13:30 Discussion
13:30‐14:45 Lunch break
14:45‐16:30 Workshops 1, 2:
16:30‐16:45 Coffee
16:45‐18:30 Workshops 3, 4
Friday, 12 September 2014, Conference Day 2:
09:30‐11:00 Plenary session; Towards a dynamic future of sheep‐farming and pastoral culture
11:00‐11:30 Coffee break
11:30‐13:30 Workshops 5, 6
13:30‐14:45 Lunch break
14:45‐16:00 Conclusions panel
Saturday, 13 September 2014, Field visit:
09:30‐17:30 Field visit: further details to be announced on the conference website.
Conference programme, background documents, registration information and poster submission forms will
be available on the conference website:‐news/en‐conferences
Exhibition and demonstration areas will be provided to conference participants for presentation of projects
and products related to the conference themes. Booking of demonstration space is necessary.
Registration for the conference, venue and accommodation information will be available on the conference
Prof. Sotiris Chtouris, Cultural and Social Digital Documentation Laboratory, University of the Aegean, EL
Dr Aikaterini Kamilaki, Dr E. Karamanes,Hellenic Folklore Research Centre, Academy of Athens, EL
Prof. Simon Bell, University of Life Sciences, EE
Dr Miklos Cseri, Hungarian Open Air Museum, HU
Dr. Fouli Papageorgiou, PRISMA Centre for Development Studies, EL
The midterm conference of Canepal was held in Paris on 2 March 2012. You can access the conference programme here